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Showing posts with label health ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health ideas. Show all posts

Fat will melt like wax, you can lose weight quickly by consuming this juice at home without going to the gym


Fat will melt like wax, you can lose weight quickly by consuming this juice at home without going to the gym

Fruits are beneficial for the overall development of our health. Fruit juice has all kinds of health benefits. If you are looking to lose weight and want to look fit in front of the mirror, then juicing can be an easy solution for you. Some fruits are very high in sugar and low in fiber. Through such fruit juice we consume more calories in the body and gain weight. Also, some store-bought juices may taste good, but they are also loaded with sugar. However, there are some fruits, whose juice is made at home and helps in weight loss. Today we will tell you about 8 such juices.

Alternatively you can use a blender to make juice at home. It is the best solution for juicing. Because it contains the most fiber, which is also beneficial and helps reduce hunger. Here we are going to give you information about 8 types of juice for weight loss.

Ajma juice

Ajma has been used as an herbal medicine in Ayurveda since time immemorial. Ajama contains many medicinal properties like pinene, cumin, nicotinic etc., which are very beneficial for health. Consuming this juice helps in weight loss. Research has shown that low-calorie foods and fluids are beneficial for weight loss. Ajma juice is also a great source of antioxidants and beneficial compounds, which help reduce oxidative stress and fight inflammation.

Beet juice

Beet juice contains nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, nitrates, betanin, which can reduce your stomach. You can also eat beets boiled or roasted. But eating it by roasting it reduces the nutritional content in it. Beet juice is most beneficial in that. Beetroot juice is very low in calories and drinking it also provides energy. Beets are a rich source of magnesium. Magnesium is one mineral that can be beneficial for people trying to lose weight.

Green vegetable juice

Apart from fruits, you can also consume juice of leafy vegetables, which will help in weight loss. You can prepare juice by adding leafy green vegetables like spinach, cabbage etc. It is high in fiber and very low in sugar. It has also been proven in research that drinking the juice of leafy vegetables helps in weight loss.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates are rich in fiber, zinc, potassium, iron and omega 6. If you are worried about your weight gain then you should consume pomegranate juice daily. It regulates cholesterol levels. Pomegranate juice increases blood volume and protects against many diseases.

Lemon and ginger juice

You can also consume lemon and ginger juice to lose weight. Immunity-boosting nutrients are found in lemon and ginger. Some research in humans and animals has found that ginger can increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and even aid in weight loss.

Watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is consumed daily for weight loss during summer season. According to experts, watermelon contains 90 percent water, so it keeps the body hydrated. People who are suffering from weight gain should consume watermelon every day. It controls hunger. The nutrients in watermelon can protect you from diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Carrot juice

Carrot juice is a panacea for weight loss and regular consumption also improves eyesight. The dietary fiber in carrots has the ability to control hunger. Drinking its juice strengthens the digestive system. It keeps you away from many diseases and also keeps you healthy.

Follow these tips to make hair strong and silky and reduce dandruff problem



Follow these tips to make hair strong and silky and reduce dandruff problem

Just mix this thing in oil before taking a bath and apply it on your hair, the hair will become beautiful and strong

For women, hair is not only a part of their body, but it is their favorite ornament, which adds to their beauty. That's why women always take special care of their hair. But pollution, certain eating habits and use of chemical based hair products can damage the hair and make it rough and break.

If your hair is also experiencing this kind of problem, understand that you need to take more care of your hair. So instead of using any expensive hair products available in the market, you can try some simple tips at home and improve hair health. You can apply aloe vera gel and onion juice mixed at home. So let's know how to apply this mixture on hair.

Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a cup of onion juice. You can mix it with rosemary essential oil, or any oil, but rosemary oil also reduces odor and is great for scalp health. Apply this mixture on the length of the hair while massaging. Be careful not to tie the hair after applying it, but let it dry like this. Leave this mixture on your hair for an hour or two and then wash your hair with shampoo. Apply this mixture on your hair once a week, you will see the difference.

Aloe vera has anti-fungal properties, while onion has antibacterial properties. That is why it is said that applying a mixture of these two in the hair can reduce the problem of dandruff. Onion juice is rich in protein. Applying onion on the scalp improves blood circulation, which strengthens the hair from the roots.

बालों को मजबूत और रेशमी बनाने और डैंड्रफ की समस्या को कम करने के लिए इन टिप्स को अपनाएं

बस नहाने से पहले तेल में मिला लें ये चीज और बालों में लगाएं, बाल बनेंगे खूबसूरत और मजबूत

महिलाओं के लिए बाल सिर्फ उनके शरीर का हिस्सा ही नहीं होते, बल्कि यह उनका पसंदीदा आभूषण होता है, जो उनकी खूबसूरती में चार चांद लगा देता है। इसलिए महिलाएं हमेशा अपने बालों का खास ख्याल रखती हैं। लेकिन प्रदूषण, खान-पान की कुछ आदतें और केमिकल युक्त हेयर प्रोडक्ट्स का इस्तेमाल बालों को नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है और उन्हें रूखा और तोड़ सकता है।

अगर आपके बाल भी इस तरह की समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं तो समझ जाइए कि आपको अपने बालों की ज्यादा देखभाल करने की जरूरत है। इसलिए बाजार में मिलने वाले किसी भी महंगे हेयर प्रोडक्ट्स का इस्तेमाल करने के बजाय आप घर पर ही कुछ आसान टिप्स आजमा सकते हैं और बालों की सेहत में सुधार कर सकते हैं। आप घर पर एलोवेरा जेल और प्याज का रस मिलाकर लगा सकते हैं। तो आइए जानते हैं इस मिश्रण को बालों पर कैसे लगाएं।

एक कप प्याज के रस में 2 बड़े चम्मच एलोवेरा जेल मिलाएं। आप इसे मेंहदी आवश्यक तेल, या किसी भी तेल के साथ मिला सकते हैं, लेकिन मेंहदी का तेल भी गंध को कम करता है और खोपड़ी के स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत अच्छा है। इस मिश्रण को मसाज करते हुए बालों की लंबाई पर लगाएं। ध्यान रहे इसे लगाने के बाद बालों को बांधे नहीं, बल्कि ऐसे ही सूखने दें। इस मिश्रण को एक या दो घंटे के लिए अपने बालों पर लगा रहने दें और फिर अपने बालों को शैम्पू से धो लें। इस मिश्रण को हफ्ते में एक बार बालों में लगाएं, आपको फर्क नजर आएगा।

एलोवेरा में एंटी-फंगल गुण होते हैं, वहीं प्याज में एंटीबैक्टीरियल गुण होते हैं। इसलिए कहा जाता है कि इन दोनों के मिश्रण को बालों में लगाने से डैंड्रफ की समस्या कम हो सकती है। प्याज का रस प्रोटीन से भरपूर होता है। स्कैल्प पर प्याज लगाने से ब्लड सर्कुलेशन बेहतर होता है, जिससे बाल जड़ों से मजबूत होते हैं।

Lose Belly Fat In 10 Days Challenge , exercises



Lose Belly Fat In 10 Days Challenge , exercises

Be sure to watch the video while performing the .all exercises shown in the video, together with the man. As you watch till the end of the video, that is 1 set. You can rest for 5 .minutes after the video ends. Complete 2 - 3 sets per day for maximum results! Refr.esh the page af.ter your 5 minutes rest has ended.

Here is a 10 day challenge workout video to lose. your belly fat with exercises that not only burn fat but also slim down your belly! Stubborn belly fat can be hard to lose but if you perform these belly fat exercises togethe.r with the cardio exercises in this video, you can easily flatte.n your tummy by getting rid of excess and love handles around. your waist!  So if you are looking to reduce your belly fat at home, be sure to stick. to this lose belly fat challenge for 10 days and you will see noticeable changes at your belly!

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thanks for watching video.. hope it may be helpful you.

Lose Belly & Arms Fat in Zumba Class


 Lose Belly & Arms Fat in Zumba Class

here is zumba dance class video. you can loss weight via dancing. its a exercises too. dance is like more people. sometimes exercise may be boaring. at that time dance will relax and loss weight.

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thanks for watching video. hope you will try and will help you in weight loss.

45-day process of losing weight of belly fat girl


 45-day process of losing weight of belly fat girl

watch full all process and exercises for loss belly fat. its help you loss belly fat. exercise regular and you get flat stomach. hope you like this video.

A saggy and flabby belly is a major area of concern for most of the people. It's not just about the way you look, it is also about being healthy. Undoubtedly you need a little bit of a lifestyle change to lose the flab around your tummy, and incorporating the precise exercises to tackle it is a necessary step. We show you the exact exercises that you need to rotate in your routine. Work towards a healthier and fitter you! Get serious, and start exercising to lose belly fat!

thanks for watching. stay connected with us.

14 Days Weight Loss Challenge - Home Workout Routine


 14 Days Weight Loss Challenge - Home Workout Routine

Are you ready to start losing weight at home in just 14 days? If so then this workout routine will help you achieve this goal.

This is a pretty intensive exercise program that you can do at home because you don't need dumbbells, weights or any other special equipment. Just your body weight!

This is a 2-week challenge which means you need to do this workout EVERYDAY for the next 14 days if you want to see good fat loss results.

Additionally, for even better results I recommend you pay attention to the food you eat. Follow these 2 simple nutrition rules:
1. Stay away from sugar 
2. Stay away from grains

watch full video tutorial....

thanks for watching video. hope you like it and also help for your health.